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El Santuario Digital Album $10.00

Andean Music from Bolivia. ? 1996. Album is named El Santuario because the songs represent the solemn and peaceful atmosphere that describes this place located in Chimay?, New Mexico. Songs are soothing and peaceful, just as El Santuario is a peaceful refuge for the soul.

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1 x Espontaneo CD
3 x Celebration CD
6 x Razon con Amor CD
3 x Sembrando Trigo CD
2 x Peace CD
4 x Pueblo Perdido CD
1 x Llokallito CD
5 x Dream CD
3 x El Santuario CD
2 x Sembrando Maiz CD
1 x 
2 x Sembrando Trigo Cassette
1 x Pueblo Perdido Cassette
English Deutsch Espa?ol

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