Press Reviews
all-original music is just stunning, in both quality and energy. He
plays guitars and flutes (panpipes, actually) masterfully and with total
passion for getting his message across to the listener... I had reviewed
him in issue #75 and
was most impressed then, but "Razon
Con Amor" takes it a level up."
Rotcod Zzaj, Improvijazzation Issue
#99 NEW!
"Reynolds' pipes will soar you to the outer edges of the
Rotcod Zzaj, Improvijazzation Issue
#99 NEW!
entrancing body of music blending Andean and African influences. With
haunting panpipes, intricate rhythmic patterns and dramatic chords,
the music of Karumanta merges ancient styles and instruments to create
a startingly fresh sound."
- San Jose Mercury News
blending of traditions and cultures as the music crossed borders,
migrated and evolved over the course of history, over empires falling
and rising and countries gaining and losing dominance and power; this
is the experience Oscar Reynolds brings to his music.”
- San Francisco Observer
and composer Oscar Reynolds' music is a bridge between many worlds
with a common culture. He blends the exciting musical world of Bolivia
and Peru with the traditions of Spanish music. On his latest release River
of Light he captures the ethnic essences of every part of the
world producing a spirited instrumental anthology. His flutes, guitars
and many other ethnic instruments combine to make an album of
contemporary and World music with unifying Latin overtones. His
compositions are exciting and full of high spirits."
- RJ Lannan, New Age Reporter
"Oscar Reynolds as composer and
multi-instrumentalist has the uncanny knack for writing some of the most
compelling Latin originals around."
- J.Sin, Smother.net
"An exotic, tasty blend of guitar and Andean flute. The music of
Oscar Reynolds and his top musician friends is a magical and at
times--mystical, delight.
This is top quality World Music played by fine artists."
- A. Canales, The Critical Review
"...destacado vientista boliviano. En todas sus melódicas
Reynolds da cuenta de la riqueza cultural de la música de su país."
["Outstanding Bolivian flutist. In all his melodic pieces,
Reynolds reveals the cultural wealth of his country's music."]
- Periódico Opiníon, Bolivia
"Oscar Reynolds...created a
tempest fingering his way around the length of a guitar and breathing
his soul into a pan flute."
- The Weekly Calistogan
"Oscar Reynolds is a
renaissance man of South American music."
- Metro Silicon Valley
in Oscar’s music you have diverse cultural traditions joining
together based on time period, means, and circumstance. History,
tradition, and geography are just as important as scales and beats,
sharps and flats."
- San Francisco Observer
is fearlessly innovative, crossing cultural borders while remaining
strongly rooted in tradition. His music reflects the continuous,
dynamic, and ever-changing tradition in Bolivian music from the
Spanish conquest of the Americas to the present. Joining Bolivian,
Afro-Peruvian, and Spanish cultures through music, Reynolds brings
Bolivia, Peru, and Spain together, not as the conquered and
conquistador, nor as separate countries, but as one Hispanic culture
rich in art and creativity.”
- Sentinel,
Nov. 2005
“Any flute player would marvel at the tight control over each note
Reynolds displays while packing a stream of emotions into his
complex scale runs, but to see him do that and play the guitar is
quite impressive.”
- San Francisco Observer
"Oscar Reynolds es un multifacético músico boliviano que viene
difundiendo la cultura del país por el mundo."
["Oscar Reynolds is a multi-faceted Bolivian musician advocating
the culture of his country throughout the world."]
- El Diario, Bolivia
"Full of supremely soulful music from
the heart. His music is just so easy to fall in love with!"
- Improvijazzation
"A tasty audio sonolog that weaves a musical spell with a grace and
dexterity that will keep you coming back for more."
- Chris Specter, Midwest Record Recap
"Oscar Reynolds turns in fine Latin melodies in the shape of
flamenco and South American folk rock. The glimmer from his airy flute melodies shines brilliance
across all of the tracks."
-J. Sin, Smother.net
“Reynolds is
an expert flutist.”
- Marcella Cirignola, Amazing Sounds
”More than just a talented musician. The
music Oscar Reynolds creates is a lot like a stretch of water that
flows…closer listening reveals shimmering waves of sound that ripple
with complexity and deep currents that flow steadily through the human
- Drake
Narada, Black Diamond Living Magazine
"He wisely combines the Bolivian roots of his musical career with
elements of new instrumental music. With his warm Andean panflutes, he
transports us to dreamy worlds."
- Amazing Sounds
to traditional tunes and more contemporary themes in the music bring far
more light and shade to the sound...
- Dave Atkin, World Music Central
"Karumanta is a compelling mix
of acoustic sound and wind instrumentation, attracting a wide range of
admiration in traditional and New Age circles."
- Metro Silicon Valley
“Bolivia’s Oscar Reynolds
is a master of the Andean panflute. Reynolds doesn’t go for a sound that is merely
dreamy or exotic or new agey. His music has genuine spark and
snap, giving the layered intricacy of these instrumental pieces enough
variation while remaining true to the essentials.”
- Tom Orr, Global music writer for The Beat, Global Rhythm, etc.
"This blending of traditional and modern, more relaxed with more
fast-paced influences not just his life, but his music."
- Victory Review, March 2006
"Give it a listen and see if you don't discern the blending of the
Spanish influence with the timeless rhythms of an ancient people. But I
must warn you: these simple yet haunting melodies can be both intoxicating
and addictive."
- Nightflying
"Beautiful melodies that range from a symphonic romanticism
to a World Music of mystic suggestions are plentiful."
- Marcella Cirignola, Amazing Sounds
melodic mix of flutes and guitar–the passion and soul of Bolivian music...Oscar
Reynolds’ acoustic and wind instruments
made magic.”
- Chester Progressive
Reynolds from the Bay Area has a distinct style of music highlighted by
the plaintive notes of the quena, a sound that comes from the high country
but that reaches the depths of the soul. The melodies seem to mirror the
awesome, timelessly spiritual feeling of viewing such wonders as Lake
Titicaca (the highest lake in the world) and Macchu Picchu in Peru. The
music is elevating, and it is an uplifting experience to hear. It is a
thought-provoking, yet unintentional lesson in geography through music.”
- Mountain Democrat
Oscar plays the antara, it is a very mystic, spiritual
- Avalon Bay News
beautiful mix on acoustic guitar and handcrafted pan-flute."
- Castro Valley Forum
“Elevated music."
- Mountain Democrat
- The Weekly Calistogan
“Oscar’s music put most of the people under some kind of
enchantment, the children were no exception; most of them approached Oscar
and got very quiet to listen to and enjoy his wonderful performance. When
he plays… he closes his eyes and goes deep into the music, creating the
most beautiful, soothing, and soul-healing music.”
- Avalon Bay News
"In a field already overrun with excellent
musicians, the Bolivian band Karumanta is the current favorite of fans of
traditional Andean music. It plays music that is alternately introspective
and joyful."
- Larry Kelp, East Bay Express
the musicians…represent the purest traditional sound."
- Chiori Santiago, Artsbeat, East Bay Express
"In a field already overrun with excellent
musicians, the Bolivian band Karumanta is the current favorite of fans
of traditional Andean music."
- Larry Kelp, East Bay Express
“The music was wonderful. The crowd around the stage was
swept away with the luscious, haunting pan-flute melodies supported by the
Bolivian rhythms Reynolds played on his guitar.
Oscar Reynolds’ haunting sounds captivated the crowd.”
- Castro Valley Forum
["...prestigious musicians"]
- El Diario, Bolivia
"There's an effortless
quality to the music that reflects the professionalism of the group."
- Rambles.NET full
plays the panpipes very well...bringing a wide range of tone, feeling, and musicality from the
panpipes." January 2005
Chris Nickson, Global Village
River of Light CD Reviews
of Light is a beautiful work that deserves a wide audience! This is top
quality World Music played by fine artists. I highly recommend this
- The Critical Review
"This CD is, quite simply, the best album I've listened to in this
issue...extremely well-recorded, and full of supremely soulful music from
the heart. His music is just so easy to fall in love with!"
- Improvijazzation
"There will be very little that your ears don't like. I'm highly
impressed, and expect we (and you) will be hearing a LOT more music from
this master. "River of Light" gets our MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
- Improvijazzation
"River of Light suggests that there is a confluence of light
everywhere you look throughout the day and from the night. Oscar Reynolds
has gathered it up and used it as inspiration for his beautiful flute
music. Every song is warm, friendly and energizing." full
- New Age Reporter
"Sin duda, uno de los 10 mejores álbumes que recibí este año 2005
(más de 150, de momento)." [No doubt, one of the 10 best albums that
I have received in 2005 (more than 150 at the moment.)]
- Francisco Manuel, LA OTRA ORILLA at www.radiodespi.com,
"The eleven instrumental pieces combine flamenco guitar and Latin
rhythms with Reynolds' melancholy antara flute, the notes sometimes a sad
conspiratorial whisper, others a joyful cry of release. These mellow yet
upbeat songs have one foot in the traditional world music, with the other
planted in a more contemporary, new age feel. While it may not get you
moving, this river flows along nicely."
- James Rodgers, Victory Review
Reynolds refers to his music as '...a flow of melodies that glide along
like a river of light,' hence the title of the album. And that's as
accurate a description of the music on this album as one might come up
with." full
- Rambles.NET
overall effect marries South American folk with flamenco while gorgeous
sensual melodies quick one's pulse and send the spirit soaring."
- Arizona Networking News
"An all instrumental recording full of evocative Andean rhythms and
melodies." full
- Angel Romero, World Music Central
"Airy, flute-based melodies, which represent the spirit of the high
Andes, over soft acoustic guitar and charango melding together with
Afro-influenced rhythms...result in a light, tranquilizing feel with a
touch of sadness and longing in every note."
- San Francisco Observer
"Reynolds'...approach to traditional tunes and more contemporary
themes in the music bring far more light and shade to the sound... There's
an effortlessness in 'River of Light' which takes the listener on a
timeless journey across imagined, endless plateaux, meeting broad sunset
rivers flooded with sparkling light." full
CD review
- Dave Atkin, World Music Central
"The music is a melting pot of Spanish flamenco nylon string sway,
Andean string instruments and percussion and of course lofty smooth
vocal-like lines delivered around the lush rhythms from Oscar's antara.
This is almost 70 minutes of soothing uplifting melody that flows very
much like a languid slow moving river from Oscar's soul to that of the
- Mike Blackburn, Sea of Tranquillity
"There's an effortless quality to
the music that reflects the professionalism of the group. It's difficult
to name a favorite from the 11 tracks." full
- Rambles.NET
"Río de Luz is
superb and very exciting."
- Kitty Norris, KMFB/KZYX
rhythms and a lush tapestry of guitar, charango, Andean pipes (antara) and
bass...gorgeous and sensual melodies..." full
- Cranky Crow World Music
"Tranquil and relaxing--a perfect backdrop for dining or just
- Rambles.NET full
de Luz is a beautiful CD full of engaging and warm rhythms."
-Robert Heriford, KGPR
"Río de Luz is a great CD; it's simply beautiful!"
-Kaveh Nicpour, KCSM
"Inspiring." full
CD review
- Bruce Von Stiers, BVS Reviews
"A very refreshing album for flamenco or South American music
fans!" full
- Matthew Forss, Inside World Music with Paula E. Kirman
"Oscar Reynolds reaches out for something different...a beautiful
- World Discoveries